Sure, you’re happy(-ish) but you can’t seem to shake the feeling that something is off. You wonder if it’s because your weeks are overfilled with work, endless to-do lists, and commitments you wish you hadn’t said yes to. You thought you'd be further along by now.

But “Who are you to complain, anyway?” you tell yourself. You have everything you want (well most things) so shouldn’t you just be grateful for the life you have? Maybe something is wrong with you…

No, there's nothing wrong with you! 

You’re just experiencing the taste of an overcooked soup of social conditioning, blended with a primitive brain and a mix of childhood stuff sprinkled on top.

And there is a way of making it all into something delicious.



Wouldn’t it be nice to care for yourself as thoughtfully as you do everyone else, break free from what’s expected, and say no without the guilt?

HEJ, HEJ! My name is Helén.

I’m a Certified Life Coach who traded the pine trees in Sweden for the palm trees in California.

Having coached more than a thousand women from all corners of the world, I promise you are not alone in feeling the way you do.

I also promise there’s more waiting for you.

More happiness. (Not the positive affirmations and toxic positivity version, but the real deal.)

More time for what you actually want to do. (Yes, it’s possible!)

More being nicer to yourself. (Imagine that judgmental voice in your head getting quiet.)

In other words, true freedom.

And if you let me, I’d love to be your guide.


Could you DYI what I’m talking about? Yes, some of it. The benefit of having me as your guide is that you get access to the next-level stuff:

Getting to the root cause 

Nope, it’s not hard work and it doesn’t take years. It’s simply about understanding how your brain works. When you do, life becomes clearer and problems easier to solve.

Changes that last 

Insights and tools that you can use for the rest of your life.

Support every step of the way

My training and experience in helping you find the things you don’t see or know to look for. This is the most powerful part.

Click here to schedule a chat

I’ve never felt so listened to in my entire life. That was what was so transformative. I would always be doubting whether or not I had done my best and if my best was on par with others. I would also take other people’s feelings very personally. Coaching with Helén helped me become more authentic in doing the things that allow me to feel the way I want to feel. I know myself more now. I think what I’ve learned through coaching will impact me in every way in the future too. It’s been so eye-opening. It’s life-changing.

- Robyn



Click here

It’s about how I feel about me now, not what everyone else is thinking about me. I’m definitely more confident all the way around. I’m more prepared for whatever comes my way and even if I don’t like it, I know how to work my way through it without it consuming me. I’m looking at everything differently now.

- Jennifer