With my nose buried in personal development books since my early 20-ies, it’s no surprise I became a certified life coach.

My husband still thinks I could do with more fiction books, ha!

Through a journey of different jobs and studies, moving across the world, dealing with chronic health issues (hello and goodbye Lyme disease), and conducting more than 4,000 coaching sessions, I’ve learned that our mind and body are more powerful than we think.

My mission is to help women learn how to use that power to create more freedom for themselves.

Aside from experiencing the world by air, rails, water, and camping with my husband, my greatest joy is to get to see the women I work with break up with limiting beliefs, become kinder to themselves, and claim what THEY want.

Seriously, it’s the most beautiful thing and sometimes I have to wipe away a happy tear when watching it happen.

Are you next?


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