"You define your own life. Don’t let other people write your script." - Oprah Winfrey


How does this life coaching thing actually work?

It all starts with a safe space.

A space where you can unload the things in your head and heart without having to worry about being judged, rejected, misunderstood, or offending someone.

That’s where I come in.

And after some exploration and questioning, you’ll be on your merry way.

Or like a woman I coached once told me, “You just blew my mind. This is worth everything. This is it.”




The coaching program includes six private coaching sessions over video (yes, you can be anywhere in the world).

The coaching sessions are 50 min long.

Price:  $599

If you decide the program is not a good fit for you, you can stop at any time and get your money back for any remaining sessions. 

Click here to schedule a chat

I did not expect to get such fast results.

- Valentina